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Mentorship Program Overview

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Program Overview:


  1. Program Kickoff: Global Engineers Connect (GEC) conducts its mentorship program through various organizations in distinct cohort groups. Your cohort batch and program timelines will be announced by the GEC team. For additional information, reach out to GEC at

  2. Program Introduction: You are currently in this phase, gaining an understanding of the program.

  3. QnA Session: GEC will host online QnA sessions for each cohort group.


Stage 1: Social Event

In this stage, students actively engage in social activities involving themselves and the community

  1. Team Registration and Social Event Idea Submission: Here we expect the students to form a team of three and brainstorm the ideas. Sample event ideas are available here. We encourage students to come up with their own ideas that can have a greater impact on the society. Once the idea is finalized, complete the registration form to submit your event concept.

  2. Idea and Funding Approvals: Once the idea is submitted, GEC will thoroughly evaluate it and provide approval. We will also review the budget estimation submitted by the teams for the event and approve funding. If further clarification is required, GEC will connect with the team's designated point of contact.

  3. Fund Release: GEC, in collaboration with Diya Charitable Trust, will disburse funds for the event.

  4. Social Event Execution: The team will execute the planned social event.

  5. Social Event Video Submissions: After executing the event, the team will submit a video to GEC following the submission guidelines provided here.

  6. Submit Post-Event Form to Begin Mentorship: Once the team submits the Social Event video, GEC will send a link to each participant to collect information necessary to initiate the mentorship program.


Stage 2: Mentorship Program

In this stage, each participant embarks on their individual mentorship journey.

  1. Mentor-Mentee Pairing: GEC initiates the process of matching mentors and mentees, taking various factors into consideration.

  2. Mentorship Program Overview: GEC conducts a program overview session to help mentees understand the program's structure and make the best use of GEC community support.

  3. 1:1 Mentorship: Assigned mentors will start reaching out to mentees and schedule three 1:1 sessions. If needed, mentees can request additional time from mentors.

  4. Ignite Series: GEC's Subject Matter Expert (SME) team organizes seminars, workshops, and Ask Me Anything (AMA) series on various topics. Mentees are strongly encouraged to participate in these sessions.

  5. Flash Mentorship: Mentees have the opportunity to connect with mentors through the GEC mentor portfolio for discussions related to individual career growth and opportunities.

  6. GEC Community: This is a broader forum comprising GEC community members, mentors, and mentees. It fosters support and inclusiveness among participants.


More information about different mentorship models can be found here. Mentorship program duration/timeline specified in this link.


For additional information, please refer to our FAQ section here. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

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